e-Business - final project scope
As a final project students should describe own (fictious) e-Commerce organization (shop) and prepare working e-Commerce shop using WordPress WooCommerce plugin. Each project should contain:
- Description of the organization (points 1-5 from Exercise number 1). This part should be prepared as a 2-3 pages of text document (Ms Word or PDF).
- Business process models of the organization. At least 3 processes (or 1 big process with subprocesses) should be described using Adonis BMPN. Models may be exported as graphics or html package.
- Working e-Commerce system, as a fully configured and personalized WordPress/WooCommerce tool. Shop should contain at least 3 product categories and at least 30 products. Also some fictious orders should be applied.
- Project should be sent by email or submitted in person during the classes.
- Project submission deadline: 23-01-2020.
Marking sheet: